L&T MK1 Relays - (9 - 14A) - SS90035OOAO - (HSN Code - 8536)

Sold By : L & T
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₹1,739 /9-14A
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₹1,217 /9-14A

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Description :-

MK1 Thermal overload relays in a motor starter protects the motor against overloads and resulting burnouts. The MK1 relay can be manually reset by just pressing the STOP button. The relays are ambient temperature compensated for operation between 5oC to 60oC. You can select from a wide range of relays with easily adjustable current settings. All overload relays are individually tested on an automated test bench to ensure foolproof operation.

Technical Details :

Brand - L&T

Type – MK1

Product Type - Thermal Overload Relays

Product Code - SS90035OOAO 

Relay Range - 9 - 14A

Rated Voltage - 415V

Color - Black

Frequency - 50Hz

Mounting - Directly Operated

Std. Pkg No. - 10

Purpose - Agriculture Purpose

Warranty - 1 Year

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