Transportation : Concrete can be transported by a variety of methods and equipment The precaution to be taken while transporting concrete is that the homogeneity obtained at the time of mixing should be maintained while being transported to the final place of deposition The methods adopted for transportation of concrete are:
(a) Mortar pan
(b) Wheel Barrow, Hand cart
(c) Bucket and Rope way
(d) Truck mixer and dumpers
(e) Belt conveyors
(f) Chute
(g) Skip and Hoist
(h) Pumps and pipeline.
Mortar Pan :- Use of mortar pan for transportation of concrete is one of the common methods adopted in this country. It is labour intensive. Mortar pan method of conveyance of concrete can be adopted for concreting at the ground level, below or above the ground level without much difficulties.
Wheel Barrow: Wheelbarrow are normally used for transporting concrete to be placed at ground level. This method is employed for hauling concrete for comparatively longer distance as in the case of concrete road construction.
Bucket and Rope way :- Rope way and bucket of various sizes are used for transporting concrete to a place, where simple method of transporting concrete is found not feasible. For the concrete works in a valley or the construction work of a pier in the river or for dam construction, this method of transporting by rope way and bucket is adopted.
Truck Mixer and Dumpers : For large concrete works particularly for concrete to be placed at ground level, trucks and dumpers or ordinary open steel-body tipping lorries can be used.
Belt Conveyors: Belt conveyors have very limited applications in concrete construction. The principal objection is the tendency of the concrete to segregate on steep inclines, at transfer points or change of direction, and at the points where the belt passes over the rollers. Another disadvantage is that the concrete is exposed over long stretches which causes drying and stiffening particularly, in hot, dry and windy weather.
Chute :- Chutes are generally provided for transporting concrete from ground level to a lower level. This is not a goxd method of transporting concrete. However, it is adopted, when movement of labour cannot be allowed due to lack of space or for fear of disturbance to reinforcement or other arrangements alre incorporated
Skip and Hoist :- This is one of the widely adopted meth for transporting concrete vertically up for multi storey building construction.
Pumps and Pipeline :- Pumping of concrete through pipeline rigid or flexible directly into the desired point one of the most satisfactory methods, though somewhat expensive for transporting concrete.
Three types of pumping equipment generally used:
(a)Piston Pump
(b) Pneumatic Pump
(c) Squeeze Pressure Pump.