1) Specific Gravity:- Following procedure is adopted for finding the specific gravity of aggregates.
(a) About 2 kg aggregate sample is taken.
(b) It is washed thoroughly, placed in wire basket and immersed in distilled water.
(C) Entrapped air is removed from sample.
(d) Sample with wire basket are kept in water for 24 hours.
(e) Combine weight in water is taken (A1).
(f) Aggregate is taken out and gently dried with the cloth.
(g) Empty basket is weighed in water (A2).
(h) Aggregate is weighed in air (B).
(i) Aggregate is kept in oven at 100 to 110°C temperature for about 24 hrs.
(j) Then cooled in air tight container and weighed (C).
Specific gravity=C/(B-A)
where A =A1-A2